Who are these yokels that pass as elected politicians? It is time they get to work, tightening the requirements, regulations, and inspections, for oil production in State waters, and pushing the Federal Government to do the same in federal jurisdiction.
From CNN: Louisiana lawmakers propose prayer to stop oil disaster.
State senators designated Sunday as a day for citizens to ask for God's help dealing with the oil disaster.
"Thus far efforts made by mortals to try to solve the crisis have been to no avail," state Sen. Robert Adley said in a statement released after last week's unanimous vote for the day of prayer. "It is clearly time for a miracle for us."
As Prof. P.Z. Myers says in “Louisiana gives up on the Gulf”:
“Instead of wasting your effort in making pleas to the nonexistent, go down to the beach with an eyedropper and a thimble, and pluck up a little globule of oil — and you will have accomplished more.”
Enough said.
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