Friday, May 25, 2007

Iraq Funding Bill: Our letters to Congress

I sent today the following email to our Congress Representative plus our State's two Senators with a copy to Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader H. Reid.

This is the text of one of the emails, verbatim. The other ones are the same except for the proper name changes.

Dear Senator Nelson,

We are extremely upset upon your vote today giving in to the President's threat of another veto, and continue funding this unjust war. We thought when we voted for you, that We, the People of America, were sending a message to change course and end the war. Yet you and most of the Democratic Senators and Representatives, except a courageous and honest few, were duped by the Administration's propaganda machine which somehow changed the "fund the war" vote to "fund the troops". It was never about funding or supporting the troops! We all want to do that! It was, and is, about getting us out of there!

Unfortunately you do not seem to have understood the message we sent last November.

Senator, you lost our respect, and our vote today.
According to the calls I heard today, to the different radio talk-shows I listen to, we are not alone in this. The majority of America voted for change. The majority wwere betrayed today.

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