Sunday, May 20, 2007

Are they for real? Blog for Brownback denounces Heliocentrism.

The sad story of our country's politics, and school system, than can produce these idiots. A blogger for Brownback's election campaign equates heliocentrism with atheism.

[W]e should always bear in mind that the Earth does not move. If it moved, we would feel it moving. That’s called empiricism, the experience of the senses. Don’t take my word for it, or the evidence of your own senses, Copernicans. There’s also the Word of the Lord[.]
What kind of lunatics are his followers? Wasn't it enough that he denounced evolution in the Republican Debate?

(Via PZ Myers)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:16 PM EDT

    Here's a nice overview of B4B's best quotes:
