Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Massimo Pigliucci, one of my favorite writers

Massimo Pigliucci is one of my favorite writers. He writes frequently for publications such as Skeptical Inquirer, The Magazine for Science and Reason, and is the author of "Tales of the Rational" and "Denying Evolution", and one of the foremost proponents of critical thinking.

His blog recently had these gems from his writing:

Why wouldn't Colbert-Stewart (or Stewart-Colbert) be a good team for the '08 US Elections? Certainly they'll be better than these corrupt clowns now in power.

He talks about the manipulation of the news through their acolytes in Fox News, the de-facto press office for the curent White House. Replacing Scott McLellan with Tony Snow has not been what you'd call a subtle move.

As Massimo says:
"I bet there is one book that is still prominently shaping his thoughts and actions. No, it’s not the Bible. It’s George Orwell’s 1984."

In "Why cats don’t have a sweet tooth" he explains how evolutionary biology is looking into why cats and other felines like lions and tigers don't care for chocolate and other sweets.

As you can see, a lot of interesting reading from Massimo. Give him a try.

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