Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Surrounding Game, a documentary film on the Game of Go


I have been a Go Player (Wikipedia link) for more years than I care to remember. I loved the game from the moment I learned it, from an uncle that taught me the basics. I then started avidly learning all I could. Back in those days it was not easy. Nowadays, with the internet, live servers where you can play 24/7, and countless books on opening, middle game, endgame, and much more, it is more fun than ever.

I never became a strong player, but I enjoy my game whenever I get a chance to play. I even played in the National US tournament a few times, albeit in the lower ranks and I always try to make it to the Florida State Tournament in Orlando every year.

A group of very talented people has put a video showing a documentary, introducing the wonderful new opportunity for people to become Professionals and represent the USA in the international pro scene. Even though there are three American-born professionals (Michael Redmond 9-Dan, Janice Kim 3-Dan, James Kerwin 1-Dan) they all become professionals abroad (Michael and Jim in Japan, Janice in South Korea). This endeavor will give plenty of kids the opportunity to become American Pros for the first time, something I support.

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