Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Programmer's Bill of Rights

Jeff at Coding Horror hits the nail on the head with his premise that it is stupid for a company to pay a good salary to a programmer and then give them hand-me-down old hardware. Therefore he proposes the Programmer's Bill of Rights.

His basic rules:

  • Every programmer shall have two monitors
  • Every programmer shall have a fast PC
  • Every programmer shall have their choice of mouse and keyboard
  • Every programmer shall have a comfortable chair
  • Every programmer shall have a fast internet connection
  • Every programmer shall have quiet working conditions
I am fortunate to work for a company that believes in all these dictums and provides a wonderful and productive environment. The only one that I do not fully get is the quiet conditions as we work in an open-space environment. This is easily solved with a good set of headphones and your favorite music. I'm all set.

See the whole list and reasons in his article.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:15 PM EDT

    I think Andrew has missed the point. We aren't designing for dual monitor use. Two monitors makes the work day way more productive.

    "Once you've gone dual, single just seems cruel."
