Monday, July 06, 2009

My blog is 5 years old this week!

This blog is 5 years old this week.

I started in July 2004. Whoohoo!

Happy Birthday Blog!


  1. Congratulations Alex !
    "Qué los cumplas feliz"

    I do really enjoy reading and "Seeing" your blog, specially the new phase, with the pictures.

    Some of them I really wish to know how they were taken.

    Keep it up !
    And enjoy your holidays !


  2. Thank your César. Due to the way Smugmug (my photo hoster) stores pictures, they remove the EXIF information from them when resizing. The photos posted here are resized (smaller). If you click on them, you get the original size which as of recently, maintains the full EXIF. You can read EXIF from web photos (if kept intact) with a free tool like OPANDA (

    Should you want any more info on any of them, you can see them at my gallery ( or email me.

  3. Feliz cumpleaños Blog ;-)

    Felicidades Alex, y muy buenas las fotografías de tu última visita a Buenos Aires.
